Sunday, May 24, 2009

Is There Proof of Other Life in the Universe and is Our Government Attempting to Cover It Up?

by , May 24, 2009
This drives into to the possibility of other life forms, and if there is life out there why or government might be covering it up.

There are billions of stars in the universe in which many of those stars have planets orbiting them much like Earth orbits our Sun. For mankind to just say that there is no other intelligent life out there is absolutely absurd and self-centered. Ask this, why Earth? Why would our planet be the only planet out of the entire universe that could sustain life? NASA and several other governments have been trying for many years to find supplementary life in outer space, but have only attained enough information to conclude that some of the other planets could have at one time supported life. So they say!
Over the past several decades there have been numerous accounts of sightings dealing with unidentified flying objects or UFOs. Many people have stepped forward, in spite of ridicule, to tell their stories of UFO abductions. Not all the people that have made reports of these incidents are just every day people. Many have been doctors, police officers, judges, military personal, and even some former astronauts for NASA. Which brings us to the question if some many different people all around the world have had similar experiences how can it not be true? According to our government, Earth has never been visited by any other intelligent life forms. This only leads to yet another question: if UFOs have never been to Earth, then why would NASA continue wasting time and money looking for other intelligent life forms?
According to Joseph Angelo’s book The Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia: Our Search for Life in Outer Spaceon November 16, 1974, NASA beamed a message of friendship to the Milky Way Galaxy using an interstellar radio signal. Angelo claims, NASA has been working on robotics in space these robotics would be used to be sent to other galaxies in outer space to search for intelligent life. According to Angelo, NASA has sent similar robotics to Mars which has identified that Mars at one time could have supported life. Munazza Siddiqui, author of “Do Aliens Exist?”, agrees with the idea of Mars having life at one time. However, in his article Siddiqui takes this idea to the next level. According to Siddiqui, Mars once had fast flowing water which deposited some boulders on the surface of the planet. Siddiqui also claims, that there is a one-mile long carving of a human-like face on the surface of Mars. The presence of ruins of a pyramid and city, much like the ones in Egypt, on Mars strongly suggest that there could have been a connection between Mars and Earth Siddiqui claims with his article. Siddiqui and many of his followers believe that both the pyramids on Earth and on Mars were not built by humans. The best evidence of the link between Mars and Earth according to Siddiqui is in Baalebek, Lebanon, where a huge platform was built in ancient times with stones weighing hundreds of tons which would be hard to duplicate even with modern technology. Mythology links this sacred site with the sun god Helios, who parked his chariot on this platform, Siddiqui’s article claims. These structures and their similarities to the ones on Mars lead to the question whether or not the technology of the gods included space travel.
To elaborate more on the gods being space travelers, I found some useful information on a website called UFOs and the Bible Genesis 6 and Nephilim 101. The unnamed author of this website breaks down different parts of the Bible and translates them. According to the website the word angel in Hebrew means “one going forth” or “one leading”. The unknown author also claims that in Hebrew the word demon is translated to “sons of the mighty”. According to this website when Satan rebelled against God, he cast him as profane from the height of heaven. The site goes on to tell about how because of Satan’s rebellion he was destroyed from the midst of Stones Of Fire, the planets, where he had reigned over physical kingdoms. The website claims that evidence of the civilization on Mars can still be seen, and civilization of B’nai ha Elohim was destroyed, which became the asteroid belt. This website also claims that there is a two face Sphinx amongst the ruins on Mars. Perhaps these claims when looked at one by one are somewhat farfetched, but if you tie this last one in with the others they somehow come together. The site claims that Lucifer or Satan is the most powerful Cherubim, and that the Biblical description of a cherub can be illustrated by a Sphinx. So is it possible that one of the planets Satan reigned over according to the site could have been Mars? If yes, then that would definitely mean the gods were space travelers.

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